Wednesday, March 18, 2009

P week

Periphery- periphery means the outside of something the outer edge or what is outside of the rest. In my history class we talked about how the outside of buildings are important the outer shell is what is judged a book is judged by its cover. The designers in the renaissance were more concerned about what was seen and not as much about the other parts of the building they made sure that the outside of the building was seen and focused on. Roth talks about how Alberti redesigned a building exterior in order to make a bigger impression “In putting a new exterior shell… Alberti created a deeply arcaded new wall that enveloped the old church walls in a way that recalled the massiveness of the coliseum in Rome.” (Roth 367)

Portfolio- A portfolio is a group of your work or of someone else’s work that is compiled together. This week in my design drafting class we had to put together a portfolio of all our work from this semester up to this point. In my design drawing class we put together a portfolio of all of our work from the building analysis project and we had to come up with ides so that we could make a display board with all of our information. We did the same thing in my environmental design class with our found in translation project.

Process- Process is a word that describes the steps that it takes to get to something or the design procedure. In my environmental design class we talk a lot about the design process. We have been working for most of the semester on a found in translation project that keeps building on itself. We have been going through a process all semester in order to get to our portal design in which we took inspiration of all the other projects in the unit. In the same way that we have been doing a project that builds on itself in my design class we are doing the same thing in my design drawing class we have been focusing on a building and we have done a lot of little projects on it and we are going to present it all together it was a process not just a one step project. In my history and theory of design class we have been talking about renaissance architecture. This period in time is all about rebuilding and the process it takes to get there. We talked about a really interesting process in relation to Venice. We talked about how in Venice the city floats and in order to get this to happen the builders cut down trees and they floated the whole city on the trees and t is still floating on them to this day. Process is a word that can be used in a lot of different ways Blakemore talks about different decorative processes “In addition to inlay, prominent decorative processes were carving, turning, and painting.” (Blakemore 142)

Perspective- Perspective is the way that something is viewed or the way that something is perceived. In my history and theory of design class we talked about how the designers in the renaissance period designed for a specific perspective. The designers would put a lot of detail on the front of the buildings but they would leave the rest of the building really simple. Blakemore talks about how you can judge the interior from the exterior “The hierarchal arrangement of spaces in the manor houses could be deduced from the exterior. The significance of the level or floor could be determined by the height of its windows, which were taller on stories devoted to ceremony.” (Blakemore 131) In my environmental design class we have been building portals in which perspective is very important. When designing the portals we had to build a scale model of our portal but when doing this we have to be focusing on how people are going to perceive it that is why it is very important that we work with scale models. Roth talks about perspective in the way that a society viewed itself “They had a new confidence in their intellectual capacity and desired a new architecture, one expressing the mathematical clarity and rationality they perceived in the divine order of the universe.” (Roth 353)

Professional- Professional is someone or something that is well prepared or has knowledge of a subject. It also means following or being a part of something like a job. In all of my classes we are learning a profession and that profession is IARC. In my design studio we have to make power point presentations in which we are learning to be professional. For our presentations we have to dress nice and to make sure that our power point is well composed and easy to read it needs to be a professional presentation. Roth talks about how artist began to be viewed differently as professional workers “Coupled with this new sense of human potential and history was the perception of the artist as a humanist scholar-not simply an artisan or a craftsman but a philosopher in paint and stone.” (Roth 353)

Summary- This week’s words were harder to relate to each other than usual however I think that the word perspective and peripheral can be related because they each are words that represent the way things are viewed. A perspective being the way it is viewed from any angle and the peripheral being the way things are viewed from the outside.

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