Wednesday, January 28, 2009

5 significant artifacts

In my design drawing class we were given the assignment of chosing 5 different objects from our past or present that are significant to us. Then we had to pick one color and and find an interesting way to incorporate it into our spread. These were the items that i choose. The number one item on my list is my Bible because it represents what I believe in and how i was raised. The second item that i used was a ring that my parents got me in Israel that has my name on it in Hebrew. Then I drew a sea shell that I got on a trip to the bahamas with my family. I dotn see my family much now so it reminds me of them. The next item is my first cell phone which I like becasue it represented the start of freedom for me. the last item that i drew is my ipod becasue it is one of my favorite things in my life now.

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